ManaGease is a desktop app for HR managers to manage full time staff in the workplace, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, ManaGease can get your employee management tasks done faster than traditional apps.

Our app simplifies and accelerates your experiences of employee information management, payroll management and leave tracking. If this is the first time you are using ManaGease, we recommend that you read our user guide to familiarise with all commands we provide, and learn how to use them from our step-by-step tutorial. You may start with the Quick Start below. Otherwise, jump straight to the Table of Contents or Command Summary section for details of the command you are looking for.

To help you avoid detrimental errors in your experience with ManaGease, we have included some possible outputs and respective error messages for each command. Along the way, there will be some notes and cautions to help you use ManaGease more efficiently.

:bulb: Note: Please input the field parameters in the correct format. You can refer to the parameter formats for more information.
:exclamation: Caution: Please do not use negative integers, non-integers and extremely large integers(integers greater than 2147483647) for the INDEX.

You can refer to the FAQ section for more information if you encounter some problems while using ManaGease.

If you still have any questions, feel free to contact us at

We hope you enjoy using ManaGease as much as we enjoyed building it.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed on your Computer.
  2. Download the latest ManaGease.jar from here
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your ManaGease.
  4. Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in(i.e. cd DIRECTORY_PATH), and enter the java -jar ManaGease.jar command to run the application.
    A GUI similar to the one below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.

    :bulb: Note: The calendar and clock are generated based on the local date and time of your machine. Please verify your machine’s date and time before starting the application!

    Employee information is displayed on the person card below:

  5. For optimised experience, please set the app to full screen.
  6. Type the command in the command box and press Enter on your keyboard to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • list: Lists all employees.

    • add /n Jane Smith /e /p 12345678 /a 123 Main St /b 123456789 /jd 12/09/2023 /s 1000.00 /l 10: Adds an employee named Jane Smith to ManaGease

    • delete 3: Deletes the 3rd employee shown in the current list.

    • read 3 /b: Reads the bank account of the 3rd employee shown in the current list.

    • edit 2 /n Betsy Crower: Edits the name of the 2nd employee to be Betsy Crower.

    • clear: Deletes all employees.

    • exit: Exits the app.

Refer to Command Summary below for a summary of all commands, and the Features below for details of each command.


  • For a quick glance at all the commands and features, please refer to the Command Summary.

:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in edit INDEX /n NAME, INDEX and NAME are parameters that can be used as edit 3 /n John Doe.

  • Commands, prefixes and most parameters are to be entered in lowercase. You can only enter capitalized letters for parameters of NAME, EMAIL and ADDRESS.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g. /n NAME [/p PHONE] can be used as /n John Doe /p 98988989 or as /n John Doe.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies /n NAME /p PHONE, /p PHONE /n NAME is also acceptable.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list, exit and clear) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

  • If you are using a PDF version of this document, be careful when copying and pasting commands that span multiple lines as space characters surrounding line-breaks may be omitted when copied over to the application.

Parameter formats

  • All parameters provided must be in the correct format.
Prefix Parameter Format Example
/n NAME non-empty and non-blank alphanumeric string /n jibtaf
/p PHONE string containing at least 3 integers /p 98988989
/e EMAIL local-part@domain
1. The local-part should only contain alphanumeric characters and +, _, ., -. It may not start or end with any special characters.
2. This is followed by a ‘@’ and then a domain name. The domain name is made up of domain labels separated by periods.
The domain name must:
- end with a domain label at least 2 characters long
- have each domain label start and end with alphanumeric characters
- have each domain label consist of alphanumeric characters, separated only by hyphens, if any.
/a ADDRESS non-empty and non-blank alphanumeric string /a PGPR, Singapore 118420
/b BANK_ACCOUNT string containing 5 to 17 integers, inclusive /b 1029384756
/jd JOIN_DATE date in the form of DD/MM/YYYY, and must be valid (e.g., 29/02/2023 and 31/09/2023 are not valid dates) /jd 20/04/2018
/s SALARY numeric digits in 2 decimal places, without any sign for currencies /s 2000.00
/v VALUE numeric digits in 2 decimal places, without any sign for currencies /v 150.00
/l ANNUAL_LEAVE numeric digits /l 25
/from FROM_DATE date in the form of DD/MM/YYYY, and must be valid (e.g., 29/02/2023 and 31/09/2023 are not valid dates) /from 20/04/2018
/to TO_DATE date in the form of DD/MM/YYYY, and must be valid (e.g., 29/02/2023 and 31/09/2023 are not valid dates) /to 20/04/2018
/on DATE date in the form of DD/MM/YYYY, and must be valid (e.g., 29/02/2023 and 31/09/2023 are not valid dates) /on 20/04/2018
/t MONTH_YEAR_DATE date in the form of DD/MM/YYYY, and must be valid (e.g., 29/02/2023 and 31/09/2023 are not valid dates) /t 20/04/2018
/r REASON case-insensitive words from the following list:
2. absence (means ABSENCE)
3. no pay (means NO_PAY_LEAVE)
4. bonus (means ANNUAL_BONUS)
5. transport (means TRANSPORT_ALLOWANCE)
/r no pay
/at ATTENDANCE_TYPE case-insensitive words from the following list:
1. present (means PRESENT)
2. late (means LATE)
3. absent (means ABSENT)
/at late

Viewing help: help

What it does:

Shows a message explaining how to access the help page.

Command Format:



  • A new window will pop up with the link to the help page. result for help command

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Adding an employee: add

What it does

This feature allows users to add a new employee to the ManaGease app, creating a profile with essential details.

Command format:

:bulb: Note: An employee must have all parameters shown in the command format.
:bulb: Note: Please input the field parameters in the correct format. You can refer to the parameter formats for more information.
:bulb: Note: Please note that the NAME parameter is case-sensitive. E.g., If you have an employee named John Doe, you are advised not to add another employee named john doe. This will be fixed by the next update.


  • add /n Jane Smith /e /p 12345678 /a 123 Main St /b 123456789 /jd 12/09/2023 /s 1000.00 /l 10 adds an employee named Jane Smith with given information to ManaGease.


  • ManaGease should display a confirmation message indicating that the employee has been successfully added to the database.
  • The employee’s profile should be updated with the provided information.
    result for adding employee
    result for adding employee person card

Possible Error Output:

  • If prefix used is not defined, an error message will appear.
    failed result for adding employee

  • If a new employee is added with the same name, email, phone number, address, bank account, join date, salary and number of leaves as an existing employee, an error message will appear.
    failed result for adding duplicate employee

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Editing an employee: edit

What it does

Edits an existing employee in the address book.

Command Format:


  • Edits the employee at the specified INDEX.
  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer, and must be within the range of the list (Total number of employees in the current list displayed).
:exclamation: Caution: Please do not use negative integers, non-integers and extremely large integers(integers greater than 2147483647) for the INDEX.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
:bulb: Note: Please input the field parameters in the correct format. You can refer to the parameter formats for more information.


  • edit 1 /p 91234567 /e edits the phone number and email address of the 1st employee to be 91234567 and respectively.
  • edit 2 /n Betsy Crower edits the name of the 2nd employee to be Betsy Crower and clears all existing tags.


  • ManaGease should display the information of the updated employee.
  • The employee’s profile should be updated with the provided information.
    result for editing employee

Possible Error Output:

  • If the index is not within the numbers in the list, the app should display The employee index provided is invalid.
  • If the command is incorrect, the app should display the following message.
    result for incorrect edit command
  • If you did not specify any field to edit, the app should display the following message.
    result for no field to edit
  • If you try to edit the field without any change, i.e., the existing field is exactly the same as the one you want to change into, the app should display the following message.
    result for no change in edit command
    result for no change in edit person card

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Deleting an employee: delete

What it does

This feature allows users to delete an employee based on index or name.

Command Format

delete INDEX or delete /n NAME

  • Deletes the employee at the specified INDEX or with the name NAME.
  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer, and must be within the range of the list (Total number of employees in the current list displayed).
:exclamation: Caution: Please do not use negative integers, non-integers and extremely large integers(integers greater than 2147483647) for the INDEX.
  • The NAME must be in the correct format.
:bulb: Note: To allow greater flexibility in terms of searching, if there are 2 or more employees with same name, i.e. Amy Tan and Amy Teo, entering the command delete /n FULLNAME of any of the employee will still return a list of these employees instead of deleting the employee that matches the full name.


  • list followed by delete 2 deletes the 2nd employee in the employee directory.
  • find Betsy followed by delete 1 deletes the 1st employee in the results of the find command.
  • delete /n Betsy will delete the employee with the name ‘Betsy’ if there is only one such employee with this name. If there is no such employee, there will be an error message displayed. Otherwise, it will return you a list of employees with the name ‘Betsy’ and you will have to follow up with a delete INDEX command to delete the ‘Betsy’ that you want using the index displayed in the list.


  • If the index is valid or there is only one employee in the list, whose name contains the keyword, ManaGease should display a confirmation message indicating that the employee information has been successfully deleted.
  • The employee’s list should be updated by removing the employee.
    result for deleting employee

Possible Error Output:

  • If there are multiple employees with the same name, all the matching employees would be displayed. Hence, ManaGease will return “Here is the list of the matching employees:”

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Reading an employee’s information: read

What it does

This feature allows users to view specific information (except the name) about an employee.

Command Format


  • Reads the employee’s information specified by the PREFIX at the specified INDEX.
  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer, and must be within the range of the list (Total number of employees in the current list displayed).
:exclamation: Caution: Please do not use negative integers, non-integers and extremely large integers(integers greater than 2147483647) for the INDEX.


  • read 1 /a reads the address of the first employee in the most recently displayed list.
:bulb: Notes: Read command is extremely useful for leave tracking as the employee card only displays the promised annual leave of the employee. Use read x /l (where x is the index of the employee for whom you intend to check) to check the leave balance/leave taken to avoid errors before adding or deleting leaves.


  • ManaGease should display the information of the employee specified by the INDEX and PREFIX, if the input is valid. result for reading employee

Possible Error Output:

  • If the index is not within the numbers in the list, the app should display The employee index provided is invalid.

  • If the command is incorrect, the app should display the following message. incorrect read command
  • If the PREFIX provided is not valid, the app should display The field to read provided is invalid. Please refer to the parameter formats for a list of all supported fields.

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Adding leave to an employee: addleave

What it does

This feature allows users to add leave(s) to an employee.

Command Format

addleave INDEX /on DATE or addleave INDEX /from DATE /to DATE

  • Adds leave to the employee specified by the INDEX.
  • You have the flexibility to add leave for a single day or multiple consecutive days.
  • You can add leave for the current year and the upcoming year, but you won’t be able to add leave for past dates.
:bulb: Note: Please note that the sum of: (1)number of days of leave you are tyring to add, and (2)number of days the employee has been on leave should not exceed the total number of days of leave allowed for an employee (displayed on the employee’s person card). To check (2), you may use the attendance command to see the number of days of leave the employee has been on.
  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer, and must be within the range of the list (Total number of employees in the current list displayed).
:exclamation: Caution: Please do not use negative integers, non-integers and extremely large integers(integers greater than 2147483647) for the INDEX.
  • The DATE must be in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g. 01/01/2024.
  • For adding in multiple days of leave, the second DATE must be after the first DATE.
:bulb: Tips!
Before adding leave, you can utilize the command read x /l (where x is the index of the employee for whom you intend to add leave) to check the leave balance. This ensures you avoid errors due to insufficient leave balance for the specified employee.


  • addleave 3 /on 01/01/2024 adds a single day of leave of 01/01/2024 to the third employee in the most recently displayed list.
  • addleave 3 /from 01/01/2024 /to 04/01/2024 adds in multiple days of leave to the third employee in the most recently displayed list from 01/01/2024 to 04/01/2024, inclusive.


  • If there are no errors, the app should display the following success message that the leave(s) has been added and display the number of leave left for the current year and the following year.
    result for successful addleave command
  • Note that the ANNUAL_LEAVE field displayed on the employee card remains unchanged, as it represents the promised number of annual leave.

Possible Error Output:

  • If the index is not within the numbers in the list, or the format of the command is incorrect, the app should display the following error message.
    result for incorrect addleave command

  • If the DATE provided is not in the correct format, the app should display the following error message.
    result for incorrect date format for addleave command

  • If the DATE has already been added to the employee, the app should display the following error message.
    result for invalid leave for addleave command

  • If the second DATE is before the first DATE when adding in multiple days of leave, the app should display the following error message.
    result for invalid leave range for addleave command

  • If any of the DATE is not in the current year or next year, or if the total number of days of leave added to an employee exceeds the total days of leave allowed for an employee, the app should display the following error message.
    result for invalid number of days of leave to add

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Deleting leave from an employee: deleteleave

What it does

This feature allows users to delete leave(s) from an employee.

Command Format

deleteleave INDEX /on DATE or deleteleave INDEX /from DATE /to DATE

  • Deletes leave from the employee specified by the INDEX.
  • You have the flexibility to delete leave for a single day or multiple consecutive days.
  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer, and must be within the range of the list (Total number of employees in the current list displayed).
:exclamation: Caution: Please do not use negative integers, non-integers and extremely large integers(integers greater than 2147483647) for the INDEX.
  • The DATE must be in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g. 01/01/2024.
  • For deleting multiple days of leave, the second DATE must be after the first DATE.
:bulb: Tips!
Before deleting leave, you can utilize the command read x /l (where x is the index of the employee for whom you intend to delete leave) to verify that the leave taken matches the leave you wish to delete. This ensures you avoid errors due to insufficient leave balance for the specified employee.


  • deleteleave 3 /on 01/01/2024 deletes a single day of leave of 01/01/2024 from the third employee in the most recently displayed list.
  • deleteleave 3 /from 01/01/2024 /to 04/01/2024 deletes multiple days of leave from the third employee in the most recently displayed list from 01/01/2024 to 04/01/2024, inclusive.


  • If there are no errors, the app should display the following success message that the leave(s) has been added and display the number of leave left for the current year and the following year.
    result for successful deleteleave command

Possible Error Output:

  • If the index is not within the numbers in the list, or the format of the command is incorrect, the app should display the following error message.
    result for incorrect deleteleave command

  • If the DATE provided is not in the correct format, the app should display the following error message.
    result for incorrect date format for deleteleave command

  • If the DATE has not been added to the employee, the app should display the following error message.
    result for invalid leave for deleteleave command

  • If the second DATE is before the first DATE when adding in multiple days of leave, the app should display the following error message.
    result for invalid leave range for deleteleave command

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View employee who is on leave: viewleave

What it does

This feature allows users to view employees who are on leave on a specific date.

Command Format

viewleave /on DATE

  • Views employees who are on leave on a specific DATE (must be a single date).

  • The DATE must be in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g. 01/01/2024.


  • viewleave /on 01/01/2024 view employee who is on leave on 01/01/2024.


  • If the command executes successfully, the app should display the employee who is on leave on the specific date.

result for correct viewleave command

Possible Error Output:

  • If the command is incorrect, the app should display an error message indicating the command format is invalid followed by the command usage message.

result for incorrect viewleave command

  • If the DATE provided is not in the correct format, the app should display an error message indicating the date format is invalid and provide guidance on the correct date format.’

result for incorrect date format

  • If there is no employee on leave on the specific date, the app should display an error message indicating there is no employee on leave on the specific date.

result for no employee on leave on the specific date

View the calendar of upcoming month: nm

What it does

This feature allows users to view the calendar of the upcoming month on the app.

Command Format


View the calendar of previous month: pm

What it does

This feature allows users to view the calendar of the previous month on the app.

Command Format


View the calendar of current month: cm

What it does

This feature allows users to view the calendar of the current month on the app.

Command Format


Adding a deduction to the payroll of an employee: deduct

What it does

This feature allows users to add a deduction to the payroll of an employee.

Command Format

deduct INDEX /v VALUE /r REASON or deduct /n NAME /v VALUE /r REASON

  • Adds a deduction with given VALUE and REASON to the employee specified by the INDEX or NAME.
  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer, and must be within the range of the list (Total number of employees in the current list displayed).
:exclamation: Caution: Please do not use negative integers, non-integers and extremely large integers(integers greater than 2147483647) for the INDEX.
  • The VALUE must be a positive number, and must be in the format of 2 decimal places.
  • The REASON must be a non-empty and non-blank string. It must take one of the three values: absence, cpf or no pay, which stands for Absence from work, Employee CPF deduction and No pay leave respectively.
  • The REASON is case-insensitive.
  • The NAME must be in the correct format.


  • deduct 3 /v 100.00 /r absence adds a deduction of $100.00 for being absent from work to the third employee in the most recently displayed list.
  • deduct /n John Doe /v 100.00 /r cpf adds a deduction of $100.00 for employee CPF deduction to the employee named John Doe.


  • ManaGease should display the deduction information of the employee specified, including the newly added deduction, if the input is valid.
    result for adding deduction

Possible Error Output:

  • If the index is not within the numbers in the list, the app should display The employee index provided is invalid.
  • If the command is incorrect, the app should display the following message.
    result for incorrect deduct command
  • If the VALUE provided is not in the correct format, the app should display the following message.
    result for incorrect deduct value format Here it says that Payment should only contain unmerical digits.. This is because the VALUE field refers to the amount of money to be deducted from the employee’s salary, which is a Payment. This also applies to the VALUE field in the benefit command and the SALARY field in the add and edit command.
  • If the REASON field is missing, the app should display the following message.
    result for missing reason
  • If the REASON provided is not supported (i.e. not one of the five reasons in the parameter formats), the app should display the following message.
    result for unknown reason
  • If the REASON provided is not a valid one for a deduction, the app should display the following message.
    result for invalid deduction reason

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Adding a benefit to the payroll of an employee: benefit

What it does

This feature allows users to add a benefit to the payroll of an employee.

Command Format

benefit INDEX /v VALUE /r REASON or benefit /n NAME /v VALUE /r REASON

  • Adds a benefit with given VALUE and REASON to the employee specified by the INDEX or NAME.
  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer, and must be within the range of the list (Total number of employees in the current list displayed).
:exclamation: Caution: Please do not use negative integers, non-integers and extremely large integers(integers greater than 2147483647) for the INDEX.
  • The VALUE must be a positive number, and must be in the format of 2 decimal places.
  • The REASON must be a non-empty and non-blank string. It must take one of the two values: bonus or transport, which stands for Annual bonus and Transport allowance respectively.
  • The REASON is case-insensitive.
  • The NAME must be in the correct format.


  • benefit 3 /v 1000.00 /r bonus adds a benefit of $1000.00 for annual bonus to the third employee in the most recently displayed list.
  • benefit /n John Doe /v 200.00 /r transport adds a benefit of $200.00 for transport allowance to the employee named John Doe.


  • ManaGease should display the benefit information of the employee specified, including the newly added benefit, if the input is valid.
    result for adding benefit

Possible Error Output:

  • If the index is not within the numbers in the list, the app should display The employee index provided is invalid.
  • If the command is incorrect, the app should display the following message.
    result for incorrect benefit command
  • If the VALUE provided is not in the correct format, the app should display the following message.
    result for incorrect benefit value format Here it says that Payment should only contain unmerical digits.. This is because the VALUE field refers to the amount of money to be added to the employee’s salary, which is a Payment. This also applies to the VALUE field in the deduct command and the SALARY field in the add and edit command.
  • If the REASON field is missing, the app should display the following message.
    result for missing reason
  • If the REASON provided is not supported (i.e. not one of the five reasons in the parameter formats), the app should display the following message.
    result for unknown reason
  • If the REASON provided is not a valid one for a benefit, the app should display the following message.
    result for invalid benefit reason

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Calculating an employee’s payroll: payroll

What it does

This feature allows users to calculate the payroll of an employee.

Command Format

payroll INDEX or payroll /n NAME

  • Calculates the payroll of the employee specified by the INDEX or NAME, where the payroll period is the current month.
  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer, and must be within the range of the list (Total number of employees in the current list displayed).
:exclamation: Caution: Please do not use negative integers, non-integers and extremely large integers(integers greater than 2147483647) for the INDEX.
  • The NAME must be in the correct format.
:bulb: Note: Editing the basic salary component (i.e., SALARY) of an employee will only take effect from the next payroll period onwards, and it will only apply to the calculation of next payroll onwards. E.g., If you edit the basic salary of an employee in January 2024, the basic salary will only be updated from the payroll period of February 2024 onwards.


  • payroll 3 calculates the payroll of the third employee in the most recently displayed list.
  • payroll /n John Doe calculates the payroll of the employee named John Doe.


  • ManaGease should display the payroll of the employee specified by the INDEX or NAME, if the input is valid.

Possible Error Output:

  • If the index is not within the numbers in the list, the app should display The employee index provided is invalid.
  • If there are more than one employee with the same name in the command, the app will display x employees found! Refer to their indexes for payroll calculation and will list down those employees for the user to view. The user should then use their index numbers to calculate the payroll.

  • If the command is incorrect, the app should display the following message.
    result for incorrect payroll command

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Generating payslips for an employee: payslip

What it does

This feature allows users to generate payslips for an employee.

Command Format

payslip INDEX [/t DATE] or payslip /n NAME [/t DATE]

  • Generates a payslip based on the latest payroll for the employee specified by the INDEX or NAME.
  • If the optional /t DATE is provided, the payslip will be generated for the month specified by the date.
  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer, and must be within the range of the list (Total number of employees in the current list displayed).
:exclamation: Caution: Please do not use negative integers, non-integers and extremely large integers(integers greater than 2147483647) for the INDEX.
  • The NAME must be in the correct format.
  • The optional DATE must be in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g. 01/01/2024.
:bulb: Note: Editing the basic salary component (i.e., SALARY) of an employee will only take effect from the next payslip period onwards, and it will only apply to the generation of next payslip onwards. E.g., If you edit the basic salary of an employee in January 2024, the basic salary will only be updated from the payslip period of February 2024 onwards.


  • payslip 3 generates a payslip based on the latest payroll for the third employee in the most recently displayed list.
  • payslip /n John Doe generates a payslip based on the latest payroll for the employee named John Doe.
  • payslip 3 /t 01/01/2024 generates a payslip for the third employee in the most recently displayed list for the month of January 2024.


  • ManaGease should display a success message saying that the payslip has been generated successfully, if the input is valid.
    result for generating payslip
  • A payslip report in PDF format will be generated in the payslips folder in the ManaGease home directory.

    payslip content
:exclamation: Caution: Please close any payslip PDF file before generating another payslip. Otherwise, the payslip PDF file will not be generated successfully.

Possible Error Output:

  • If the index is not within the numbers in the list, the app should display The employee index provided is invalid.
  • If the command is incorrect, the app should display the following message.
    result for incorrect payslip command
  • If the date provided is not in the correct format, the app should display the following message.
    result for incorrect payslip date format

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Marking an employee’s attendance: mark

What it does

Marks the indicated employee as “Absent”, “Late”, or “Present”.

Command Format

mark INDEX /at Attendance_Type or mark /n NAME /at Attendance_Type

  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer, and must be within the range of the list (Total number of employees in the current list displayed).
:exclamation: Caution: Please do not use negative integers, non-integers and extremely large integers(integers greater than 2147483647) for the INDEX.
  • The NAME must be in the correct format.
  • The Attendance_Type can only be: ABSENT, LATE, or PRESENT.
  • It is case-insensitive. e.g. you can either enter ABSENT or absent.


  • mark /n John /at Absent marks John as absent.
  • mark 1 /at Present marks the first employee in the current list to be present.


  • If the command is successful, the app should display the following message. The employee’s attendance status should also be updated accordingly.
    result for marking an employee to be absent
    person card

Possible Error Output:

  • If the index is not within the numbers in the list, the app should display The employee index provided is invalid.
  • If the command is incorrect, the app should display the following message.
    result for incorrect command
  • If the ATTENDANCE_TYPE is not within the valid list, the app should display the following message.
    result for incorrect attendance type

  • Go back to Table of Contents

View an employee’s attendance report: attendance

What it does

View employee’s attendance report.

Command Format

attendance INDEX or attendance /n NAME

  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer, and must be within the range of the list (Total number of employees in the current list displayed).
:exclamation: Caution: Please do not use negative integers, non-integers and extremely large integers(integers greater than 2147483647) for the INDEX.
  • The NAME must be in the correct format.


  • attendance /n John views John’s attendance report for the year up till today.
  • attendance 1 views the first employee’s attendance report for the year up till today.


  • If the command is successful, the app should display the attendance. The address book’s display of the employee’s attendance status should also be updated accordingly.
    result for attendance report

Possible Error Output:

  • If the index is not within the numbers in the list, the app should display The employee index provided is invalid.
  • If the command is incorrect, the app should display the following message.
    result for incorrect command

  • Go back to Table of Contents

Listing all employees: list

What it does

Shows a list of all employees in the workplace.

Command format:



  • ManaGease should display a list of all employees in the workplace.

  • Go back to Table of Contents

Locating employees by name: find

What it does

Finds employees whose names contain any of the given keywords.

Command Format


  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. alex will match Alex
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Yeoh Alex will match Alex Yeoh
  • Only the name is searched.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Ale will not match Alex
  • Employees matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang


Clearing all entries: clear

What it does

Clears all entries from the address book.

Command format:


Exiting the program: exit

What it does

Exits the program.

Command format:


Saving the data

Employee data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Editing the data file

ManaGease data are saved automatically as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/employees.json. You are discouraged from editing the data file to make sure ManaGease works well to help you with your business.

:exclamation: Caution: If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, ManaGease will not run. Hence, it is recommended not to edit the data file directly, and you can edit the data through our useful commands.


Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous ManaGease home folder.

Q: I am using multiple screens. If I move the application to a secondary screen, and later switch to using only the primary screen, the GUI will open off-screen. What should I do?
A: Delete the preferences.json file created by the application before running the application again.

Q: Is internet access necessary for the application?
A: ManaGease doesn’t need internet access as the data are stored locally in your machine.


Term Description
Benefit Benefit are additional financial rewards provided to employees.
Deduction Deductions refer to the removal of a specified amount from an employee’s salary.
Payslip An itemised payslip generated based on payroll in pdf format. The template payslip is retrieved from Ministry of Manpower (MOM) website
Payroll A report that show the net salary, basic pay, total deductions and total benefits in the result box.
Attendance report A report that show the number of days on leave, absent and late for an employee in the result box.

Command summary

Action Format and Examples
e.g., add /n Jane Smith /e /p 12345678 /a 123 Main St /b 123456789 /jd 12/09/2023 /s 1000.00 /l 10
Clear clear
Delete delete INDEX
e.g., delete 3
e.g.,edit 2 /n James Lee e/
e.g., read 3 /n
List list
e.g., find alex
Deduct deduct INDEX /v VALUE /r REASON or deduct /n NAME /v VALUE /r REASON
e.g., deduct 3 /v 200.00 /r cpf
Benefit benefit INDEX /v VALUE /r REASON or benefit /n NAME /v VALUE /r REASON
e.g., benefit 3 /v 1000.00 /r bonus
Payroll payroll INDEX or payroll /n NAME
e.g., payroll 3
Payslip payslip INDEX [/t DD/MM/YYYY] or payslip /n NAME [/t DD/MM/YYYY]
e.g., payslip 3
Add Leave addleave INDEX /on DATE or addleave INDEX /from DATE /to DATE
e.g., addleave 3 /from 12/12/2024 /to 14/12/2024
Delete Leave deleteleave INDEX /on DATE or deleteleave INDEX /from DATE /to DATE
e.g., deleteleave 3 /from 12/12/2024 /to 14/12/2024
View Leave viewleave /on DATE
e.g., viewleave /on 12/12/2024
View Previous Month pm
View Current Month cm
View Next Month nm
e.g, mark 3 /at present
Attendance attendance INDEX or attendance /n NAME
e.g, attendance 3
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